To improve academic performance and literacy among young people, capitalizing on their intellectual abilities to achieve success.As an organization we believe that education is one of the greatest equalizers of the different social classes and genders and a tool for directly and indirectly improving lives. The focus of this thematic area is improving access to education, achievement in education and ultimately the improvement of lives through education. We do this through tutoring sessions, providing linkage to scholarship opportunities, and providing library services.
Tutoring sessions
Thrive Aid utilizes a "more knowledgeable other" approach, involving tutors and peer group leaders, to offer academic support to young people. The organization provide tuition in various subjects to learners in grades 8 to 12 at selected sites and operates a digital peer support platform through WhatsApp.
Library Sessions
without studying may not be adequate, hence the need to equip the learners with books which they can read and study. The organization through its library also runs a reading program aimed at improving the literacy levels and reading culture among young people. This is done through a monthly reading challenge and book reviews for the challenge.
Anyone can reach their full potential with proper guidance and support. Therefore, the mentorship thematic area is focused on enabling individuals to realize their potential, abilities, passion, and purpose and also enabling them to apply themselves to improve their lives and achieve success.
The mentorship focus area seeks to empower youth with both income-generating skills and the knowledge and abilities necessary to pursue their career goals and enhance their leadership capabilities
Thrive Aid provides linkage to different opportunities and offers mentorship in Entrepreneurship and leadership, as well as career guidance to young people.
We provide mentorship in Entrepreneurship, to help individuals startup businesses. Thrive Aid conducts entrepreneurship mentorship on a three-month cohort basis, including theory sessions, practical skills development, business opportunity implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of viable businesses.
Leadership mentorship is embedded in all organizational programming, emphasizing responsibilities, session participation, and exemplary leadership. Thrive Aid builds the capacity of tutors, mentors, and counsellors in this area for seamless integration within the different activities and programming.
Empowerment opportunities
Thrive Aid provides technical support and linkages to scholarships and other opportunities.
Career Guidance
Thrive Aid also conducts mentorship sessions for young people focused on career guidance. These sessions are done both online and offline through monthly career Webinars and on sight talks.
Together, we can create a future where every individual has access to mentorship and support to achieve their goals.
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Mental health
The goal of this focus area is to maintain the mental wellbeing of young people by helping them to maintain a healthy way of life, restoring them to a healthy state of mind and developing their self-awareness. We conduct sessions to raise awareness about mental health and adolescent health issues. We also provide counselling services to young people to address mental health challenges and provide them linkage to Mental Health Services.
The counseling component is run by trained counsellors and mental health specialists. Counseling sessions are conducted on a scheduled basis, and delivered as one on one or group counseling sessions. Additionally, Thrive Aid works closely with health facilities, and rehabilitation centers for counseling services linkage. Furthermore, we focus on educating young people about self-discovery and enlightening them about emotional intelligence thus ensuring that they become selfaware, comfortable and confident in themselves.
Adolescent Health
Sessions on adolescent health are conducted with a focus on creating awareness about HIV, Reproductive Health Rights, substance abuse and many other adolescent health issues. This is aimed at reducing teenage pregnancy and HIV prevention among young people. The organization also builds the capacity of tutors and mentors through an adolescent health training to enable them to facilitate sessions on adolescent health.
Together, we can create a future where every young person has the support and resources they need to thrive mentally and emotionally.
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Our Target Beneficiaries
Thrive Aid aims to empower adolescents and youths, especially school children from underprivileged communities
- Youths
- Adolescents
- Vulnerable young people (Street kids, orphaned)
Together, we can create positive change and improve the lives of our target beneficiaries.
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