Joseph Mulenga Embarks on His Entrepreneurial Journey
Joseph Mulenga, a resident of Fountain of Hope orphanage, was enrolled in the first cohort of the Ignite Entrepreneurship program by Thrive Aid. The 3 months program, which commenced in the last week of December, aimed to equip young people with entrepreneurship skills and inspire them to become entrepreneurs.
Read MoreJoseph embraced the lessons and through the lessons he underwent, he not only gained skills in entrepreneurship but was motivated and decided to become an entrepreneur himself.
Joseph began saving small amounts of money from some piece of works he did and from what he got from well-wishers until he had saved up K61. On March 23rd, with K61 in hand, he decided it was enough to start his business. He obtained permission to leave the orphanage and purchased a box of biscuits in Kamwala to sell. He targeted his school friends and kids who come for school and other activities at the orphanage as his initial customers.
He explained that he sells each pack at K2 from each box he would be able to make a profit of K6. With his business off the ground, Joseph has plans of growing and expanding his business and even diversifying to other businesses once he saves up enough money from his biscuit business. His immediate goals include buying school supplies, such as a bag, and using the money for food during school breaks. He also hopes to use the profits for transportation to his school, which is far from the orphanage.
Joseph is also one of the 6 participants from the first entrepreneurship cohort at Fountain of Hope who have started a school tuckshop business at the orphanages school where they are selling different snack during school break times. Joseph's entrepreneurial spirit and determination are a testament to the impact of the Ignite Entrepreneurship program in empowering young people to create their own opportunities for success.
“Nifuna kugula bag yaku skulu kaili bag yanga inaonongeka, naku dyelamo ku skulu pa break, naya transport ku skulu”
Mwenya the trainer poses for a photo with Joseph
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